Please eat.
Do not drink when hungry. Have something to eat – preferably something containing carbohydrates – before you start drinking and have a snack between drinks. Eating will slow the absorption of alcohol and give you more energy to wake yourself up.
Drink water.
Replace alcoholic beverages with water. This helps you stay hydrated and slows down the rate of drinking. And drink a glass of water before going to bed.
Drink less.
Choose a smaller bottle or glass.
Avoid emptying the glass.
Avoid emptying your glass so you can control how much alcohol you drink.
Drink slowly.
Drinking soft drinks between drinks can help set the pace for the evening.
Be careful with taking turns.
Stay in control (and save money) by choosing to take fewer turns or skip a drink.
Consider your gender.
If you are a woman, be aware that alcohol will affect you more than men because women’s bodies contain less water.
Please have a driver available.
Get a driver from your group before you leave, or make sure you have cash to take a taxi home.
Take a break.
Give your liver a chance to rest and recover. And always in the best health.